teatroàfaca upsidedown

teatroàfaca upsidedown


three initiatives described in three words lasting three months

a|três|tempos is a cycle of community engagement and artistic training designed and organized by teatroàfaca for Avenidas – um teatro em cada bairro. a|três|tempos intends to bring to Bairro do Rego three different approaches to dealing with time on those who have done, are doing, or will do theatre, three ways of thinking about the work done for the scene.

a|três|tempos combines the past of the text, through dramaturgical texts already written, and invoked for that space; the present of the scene, seeking to maintain all the performers who make up the theatrical class; and the future of writing, by opening the door of writing for the stage, which is meant to be said, to a group of new playwrights.

  • a seu | tempo | futuro

    Drama Writing Laboratory

    This Laboratory, held fortnightly, will focus on the construction of a dramaturgical text, from the historical contextualization of writing for the scene to its planning and execution.

    It is the goal of this Laboratory that, at the end of the three months, between work done in and outside work sessions, all participants will have created a first version of a script for theatre.

    Participation in the studio can be made by lovers of writing and theatre, creators looking for lines to create the next text for the scene, or enthusiasts for writing for theatre, looking to form a heterogeneous and inclusive group.

  • este | tempo | presente

    Actor Maintenance Studio

    In seeking to improve their work, a stage performer must maintain the tools they have at their disposal and with which they practice their profession. Like a muscle, these components need to be maintained, exercised and pushed to their limits, in order to go further and further and improve your capabilities.

    Given the precarious reality of the work of a theatre interpreter, it may be difficult to carry out this maintenance on a regular basis. Thus, we created a space where theatre performers can, weekly and free of charge, maintain the quality of their work and technique, through a studio where the regular challenge of presenting scenes in duos, monologues or soliloquies, worked on throughout of the weeks of participation, and conducted live, during the studio sessions.

    Participation in the studio can be done by actors and actresses integrated into the job market, recently graduated, between jobs, or who have abandoned the practice and want to return, seeking to form a heterogeneous and rotating group.

  • naquele | tempo | passado

    Contemporary Lusophone Drama

    In this cycle of readings we seek to find a space for sharing Lusophone drama scripts through the voices of the actors who interpret them.

    As the reading of texts for theatre is not a new initiative, or even uncommon, we want this to be a space dedicated exclusively to texts that seek to take writing for theatre in Portuguese further.

    This cycle, featured the texts Se eu vivesse tu morrias, by Miguel Castro Caldas, in the first session, and Longe, by Raquel S., in the second session, which were joined by a third text chosen by Open Call, Portugal, by Carlos Alves.