CHI RHO (2022)

The author writes himself and the audience sees themselves in the work, or maybe not.

Unpublished script by British author Harry B. Scott, Chi Rho is the story of ten people whose lives are drastically affected by an inevitable event. In the hours, days and weeks that follow, these seemingly disconnected souls reveal the intricate web of relationships that unite them.

Chi Rho was born from a fragmented mind, a timeless space, in a cloudy time. The action begins with the end, a death like so many others, and, therefore, inconsequential. From this end comes a new beginning, a possibility of renewal for the people for whom this death brought real consequences. Chi Rho occurs in that interval, that period of opportunity between the beginning and action, always reflecting the mind that created it: fragmented, timeless and cloudy. The nature of this script lives, like its characters, out of the possibility of change, of the sad endings that turn into joyful beginnings, of the silences spoken when words end.

Harry B. Scott


Original Script: Harry B. Scott
Translation: Simão Vaz
Director: Afonso Molinar
Starring: Constança Carvalho Neto, Fábio Batista, Inês Garrido, José Leite, Mariana Fonseca, Mariana Lencastre, Nádia Matos, Rita Silvestre, Rodolfo Major, Vítor Oliveira
Set Design: Rita Capelo
Costume Design: Inês Reis Correia
Sound Design: João Gamory
Light Design: Janaina Gonçalves
Assistant Director: Laura Ribeiro
Producer: Diana Especial
Imagery: Rui Sá
Photography: Afonso Molinar

with production support by:
República Portuguesa - Ministério da Cultura
Companhia Portuguesa de Bailado Contemporâneo
Câmara Municipal de Lisboa
Polo Cultural das Gaivotas
Ermos do Caos
CNC - Centro Nacional de Cultura
Teatro Aberto
Tralha Atelier



  • 16th-27th March 2022, Boutique da Cultura, Lisboa (premiere)